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Borghi Reloaded

Research Thesis | Politecnico di Milano


Borghi Reloaded is a research based mapping of villages that over time have been abandoned and deteriorated, but which through interventions conservation or recovery have been reactivated with project strategies aimed at improving and increasing the population, economy and of the arts.

In Italy,there are approximately 2,500 abandoned villages of which 1,500 compromised but only a few of these have been subject to revival interventions. These suggestive and interesting places have often been damaged by natural disasters or by the action of man and the community reacts to this destruction with mass flight and emigration to a new territory.

Since the nineties there has been the birth of some initiatives and projects to recover and restore oxygen to some of these places. Some intervention strategies have tried to create real collaboration networks to give life to a sort of enhancement for the purpose of conscious tourism. In any case, their conservation must not be implemented according to pre-established schemes, but must be studied case by case, appealing as much as possible to respect for the landscape, construction and typological elements that make the architecture of its places unique.

The growing sustainable tourism market can be the driving force to recover buildings and landscapes of our country, avoiding the phenomenon of abandonment and preserving its historical memory.

The process takes on meaning when it becomes the bearer of cultural messages and synergies born in the territory; if instead understood as a simple economic process, the intervention loses its identity aspect and its territorial synergy, becoming a simple short-term intervention destined to fail.

The analysis conducted in this blog teaches that the recovery of the village alone is not a guarantee of success in itself, but it is necessary to identify a theme, to which the animation activities will be linked, which, consistent with the vocations and peculiarities of the local context , can actually support tourism purposes. In addition to the practical aspects of the enhancement and recovery of each individual village taken into consideration, the results obtained and general evaluations were highlighted to better understand the impact of the intervention on the community and its international spread.

Team: Bianca Rizzi, Martina Menconi

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